The brain doesn’t get much of a workout in prison; most former inmates emerge from prison with inadequate coping skills for life on the outside. For a young person who has grown up in prison, the situation is worse.
The Redemption Project helps kids address their obvious transitional needs—housing, education, health care and employment—as well as less obvious needs. Our mentors meet inmates at the gate and walk with them as they take their first difficult steps into the free world.
Kids who grow up in violent, overcrowded prisons learn survival skills that are anti-social on the outside. Coming from an environment where they have virtually no control over any aspect of their lives, a return to freedom presents a myriad of choices for which kids are unprepared. Even choosing the “right brand” of toothpaste from a store’s shelves can be paralyzing.
We provide financial help for food, housing, education, and health care in ways that encourage self reliance and discourage dependency. Our mentors help kids find employment, learn to be self-responsible, make good decisions, manage their personal affairs, and do the right thing even when no one is looking.
Your support of this work will help us teach kids how to be—and remain—free.